Monday, February 9, 2009

The Netbook - Here to Stay

Most Americans now are of the mindset that saving money is of paramount importance as banks and businesses around the country fail. Everyone is preparing for the worst by spending less. Technology and computer companies are definitely not immune, but have also taken on a new aura as the products peddled now start to attain the level of essential, rather than just that of luxury. The financial strains placed on families and individuals, students especially, has brought about a golden age of DIY remedies, and technological out of the box solutions. All of this being just a product of necessity to save money and survive for another day.

The computer techie has always been at the forefront of using the computers, and other technological wonders, in new and exciting ways. What was once the realm of the computer techie is now starting to migrate outward toward the mainstream at an ever increasing pace only because of this current economic crisis.

This point is most accurately illustrated by a recent article in the New York Times about the rise of the 200 dollar laptop, known as the netbook. Where the characteristics of a netbook are tipified by their inexpensiveness relative to other computers, small size, portability, and long lasting battery. Before this current economic crisis these small, cheap laptops were mostly a niche market and occasional curiosity. Because of their incredible inexpensiveness some people have begain to adopt them as a primary computer instead of the more expensive desktops or fullsize laptops.

Beyond this some of the more adventurous adopters of this new class of laptop have started to use them as their main communications hub canceling their entire phone, TV, and broadband subscriptions and instead relying on the wireless at the local coffee shop or bookstore.