Thursday, July 3, 2008

Students And Text Books

Tuition has always been the biggest single bill that has to be paid at college. But the other largest bill is often not seem until the first week of school when the student stops at the school book store is all the text books. A single semester's worth of text books can run anywhere from 400 - 600 dollars.

A recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education highlights the problem. But upon reading the article I noticed a lack of a response for the chief reason that students pirate text books in the first place. That being the excessive cost vs. that actual use that most students get from their text books in your average 4 month college semester.

There is a website which "is a registry of textbooks (and related materials) which are open — that is free for anyone to use, reuse and redistribute. It is run by the Open Knowledge Foundation."

There are some schools that are doing things a bit unconventionally. Some sort of new business model like this is sure to be the future, with many schools now offering extensive material online

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